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Final Fantasy

Started listening to FF music (The ones with vocals) a few days ago while surfing the net, and I pretty much got hooked to it. Most of their songs actually have mushy kind of stuff (Perfect for Zhan Rong) but it's still awesome. Melodies Of Life is my personal favorite. It's got a nice tune to it and loads of meaning. Eyes On Me is pretty good too. Listen to it on YouTube if you guys have the time.

Yesterday's a pretty shitty day. I'm gonna flunk my Chem test like no one's business, courtesy of myself, for not studying, and the teacher, for her pathetic teaching style. Rest of the day ain't that bad, even CCA.

Parts of my body still aching after Wednesday's session with Siva. His reach damn long, can't even get close to him. Got one time he kick his shoe out of the school and almost got crushed by a bus, hilarious.

PS: Here's a line I Got from the net

-I see your face when I am dreaming.
That's why I always wake up screaming.

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