Hi guys,
Sec 3 camp was a blast. Never expected it to be so fun. First day was ok, Just doing normal stuff like teambuilding and etc. The real fun started at night. Got a nightwalk. Initially, planned to go with Jason's group, then Shai asked for 3 people. Joined up with Ian, Daniel and trainer Liyana (I was sick) then need to choose who go first. I got chosen, then i just walk without bothering to look at my surrounding. Ian scream bloody loud, so i turned back. Turned out got a pochong or something like it that creeped him out. Then, finished up the Nightwalk at the top area. The view was awesome, you can see the CBD from there. JAson's group arrived, then Brian told us what happen. He was like "Chiiiiiii" then Wei Yang was like " WTF !" when the two of them saw the "ghost". Very hilarious.
2nd day. Started with breakfast, then, go for Amazing Race. The Under 16s were almost the last to go out. After that, we got lost searching for the 1st station. Turns out it's at the treetop walk.
We finished at the 5th place but it was great. After that, got lunch followed by Water Activities. Under 16s clinched up most of the first place, but not sure about the "Dragonboat" activity. In the end, we got to stay longer in the pool. After that, bathing time. Raj was like very slow and the rest of the boys need to wait a long time before they can enter.
Then, we got a Campfire preparation before dinner. Wei Yang suggested we do something like a musical. Then somebody said he wants the Teen Titans theme.
FAst forward - Kar Kheng needs to leave for Malaysia. Thought he was kidding when he said he won't be able to join us for Campfire. Campfire was great, very interesting. Then go to sleep. The 6th member of our tent needed to go home due to medical "complications" so we got a lot of free space.
3rd day. Clean up the go home. Trainers will be dearly missed by all of us
3/6 FTW